


汉:抽象名词以及所有名词后缀ery意为"state,quality,act,place where"。后缀-ery来源于法语,主要充当派生后缀,可以加在两类单词后面:
1)加在动词后面表示 a place for ~ing (做...的场所)
2)加在名词后面,这时-ery意思比较复杂,它可以表示a place for ~ing (做...的场所);the art or occupation of a ~ (...的技艺);a group of ~s(...的群休或集体)。

-erya suffix of nouns denoting occupation, business, calling or condition, place or establishment, goods or products, things collectively, qualities, actions, etc.: archery; bakery; cutlery; fishery; trickery; witchery.
Middle English < Old French -erie, equivalent to -ier -er2 + -ie -y3

World English Dictionary
-ery or -ry
— suffix forming nouns
1. indicating a place of business or some other activity: bakery ; brewery ; refinery
2. indicating a class or collection of things: cutlery ; greenery
3. indicating qualities or actions collectively: snobbery ; trickery
4. indicating a practice or occupation: husbandry
5. indicating a state or condition: slavery
[from Old French -erie; see -er 1 , -y ³]
-ry or -ry
— suffix forming nouns
[from Old French -erie; see -er 1 , -y ³]

n.branch of an army that use artillery;big guns mounted on wheels,etc.炮兵;大炮 *art(=art,skill,craft)
例句:Artillery pounded the enemy positions day and night.大炮心昼夜不停地轰击敌人的阵地。
n.something peculiar and amousing;amusikng trick 诙谐有趣的言行
例句:The audience laughed at her timely drollery.听众被她适时的幽默豆的发笑。
n.hard,unpleasant ,uninteresting work 辛苦,乏味的工作
例句:It was drudgery washing dishes in the hot kitchen.在闹热的厨房里洗碗实在是件苦差事。