
mol,moll = to grind,grain,burden,heap,moll


来自拉丁语的mol意为 to grind,grain,burden,heap,moll意为 soft。 1.demolition(完全弄成粉末 de(=down,intensive) + mol(=grind,heap,burden))
demolish v.拆毁;破坏;推翻
The demolition of the hotel is scheduled for next Thursday. 那家宾馆的爆破工作定于下星期四进行。 2.emolument(磨出来e n.薪金,报酬,工资
CEOs of many major companies enjoy extravagantly generous emoluments. 许多大企业的首席执行官司们都享有极其丰厚的薪金。 3.immolate(在某物上面使成为谷粒、谷物 im vt. sth + to + sth /do 杀死...作为祭物,献祭
immolation n.供奉祭品,祭物,牺牲
Ancient Mayas are known to have immolated human victims to appease their goods. 据说古玛雅人以人为祭物来平息他们所信的神的愤怒。 4.molecule
n.分子 cule(=small),mol(=grain,heap,grind) 5.molecular
adj.分子的,由分子组成的 mol(=grain,heap,grind),cul molecular structure 分子结构
molecular attraction /model/weight 分子引力/分子模型/分子量 6.molest
v.骚扰;干扰;(对女性)调戏 *mol(=burden,grind,grain)
molestation n.妨碍;干扰 7.molar
n.臼齿 adj.臼齿的;磨碎的 *mol(=grind,grain) 8.premorlar
n.前臼齿 adj.前臼齿的 *pre(=before),moll(=grind,grain)
incisor n.(门牙)
canine n.犬齿 9.emollient
n.(皮肤)润肤剂,软化剂 *e v.平息,缓和,减轻;使安静,使平静 *moll(=soft),ify(=make)
mollification n.缓和,减轻
mollifying remarks 抚慰的话
mollify her anger 平息她的怒火 11.mollusk
n.软体动物 *moll(=soft)