
前缀trans(tran,tran,tres,treas) = across,over, beyond


这个家族的前缀不仅意思多,而且词汇量也非常大,更重要的是这个前缀派生出来的词汇是我们考试经常考到的,下面对这个前缀的意思进行分类整理如下: 词源:prefix meaning "across, beyond, to go beyond," from Latin trans-, from prep. trans "across, over, beyond," probably originally present participle of a verb *trare-, meaning "to cross" (see through). 前缀trans来源于拉丁语,意为“across”,还有“through, over, beyond, change,intensive”等含义。下面重点看一下trans的主要意思“across”。 1.横穿,到那边,穿过,径直
transparent, translucent, transverse 2.十字交叉,分叉 intransigent, transform, traduce 3.使理解,达到期望的状态 transcribe 另外,前缀trans还有以下变形 1.tran [在辅音字母q,s前] tranquility, transcend 2.tra [在辅音字母d,j.v和元音字母i前] trajectory, travesty, traitor 3. tres,treas trespass, treason 1.transform [trans( =change) +form(=form)变换模样]
v. change the shape.appearance.quality or nature of 使变形,改变,变换
transformation n.变形,转变 ; transformer n. 变压器;促使变化的人(物)
transformable adj. 可变形的
ex) Two weeks in the hot sun on a Mexican beach will transform you.
在墨西哥海边炽热的太阳下度过两周,你会有所改变。 2.transgress [trans( =over, across) +gress[=go)越过去]
vt. go beyond a limit or bound; break a law, treaty, or agreement 超过(限制、范围等):违反(法律、条约、合同等)
transgression 违反,犯罪;(宗教、道德上的)罪 ;transgressor 违庋者;罪人
ex) lt's not my habit to transgress the law, but I do smoke marijuana now and then. 我不是习惯性地违法,不过我确实偶尔会吸大麻。 3.transmit [trans(=over,across) + mit( = send)输送过去]
vt. send; pass on news, information, etc.; permit light, heat, electricity, etc. to pass through; hand down something from parents to children 传递;播送;传送(光、热、电等),传导;遗传(给子孙) transmission 传递;传达;传导;发报;遗传;(汽车的)变速器
transmitter 传递者;传达者;传导体;话筒;发报机
ex) Long documents can easily be transmitted over the Internet. 长篇幅的文件可以通过网络轻松传送。 4.transparent [trans( =through, across) +par( =appear)通过某种东西出现、显示到那边]
adj. allowing light to pass through; about which there can be no mistake or doubt 迸明的;清澈的;明白无误的
transparency/transparence 透明(性);明了;幻灯片
ex) The tran8sparent turquoise waters of the Caribbean are spectacular. 加勒比海清澈的蓝绿色海水非常壮观。 5.trespass [tres vi. on+sth go on to privately owned land; infringe on; sin 擅自进入;侵犯,侵害;冒犯;犯罪
n. an encroachment or intrusion;a moral offense 侵入,侵害;打扰,妨碍;过失;罪过 trespasser 侵害者;入侵者
ex) Your cattle keep trespassing onto my land, and l'm tired of it. 你的牛总是跑到我的地里来,我真是烦透了。 词根 1.form (=form)

formulate (明确)系统地表达 conform 遵从;使适应 *con
4.par(=appear) apparition 幽灵,鬼怪 *ap 6.transition [trans( =over) +it( =go)越过去)
n. a passing from one condition, period, form, stage, activity, place, etc. to another 过渡,过渡期;变化,变迁
ex) The old currency will be used concurrently with the new during a transition period. 在过渡期新旧货币将同时使用。 7.tranquillity [tran n. the state of freeing from disturbance or agitation, calmness 平静;平稳;安宁
tranquil 平静的;平稳的;镇定的 tranquilizer 镇静剂,精神安定剂 tranquilize 便平静;使镇定
ex) The tranquility here at Loon Lake is marvelous. 卢恩湖非常平静。 8.transpire [tran vi. become public or come to be known 事件、秘密被发现,被知道
vt. give off moisture or pass off vapor 身体、植物散发水分或蒸汽,排出
transpiration 散发,蒸发
ex) After an investigation, it transpired that her own son-in-law had taken the watch. 调查表明,是她的女婿拿了手表。 9. transcend [tran vt. go beyond 超越(人类经验、理性、信仰、描述能力等的范围);优于
transcendent 出众的,卓越的 transcendental 先验的;超自然的
transcendence/transcendency 卓越;超越
ex)You can transcend your shyness by doing these exercises daily.
休每天做这些练习可以克服羞怯。 10.transcribe [tran vt. copy; make a recording of something for broadcasting 抄写;播送录音(录像);编曲
transcript(学校的)成绩单;副本,誊本 transcription 抄写;副本,誊本;播送录音(录像)
ex)I record my professor's lectures and transcribe them at home.
词根 ambit 周围,范围,界限 *amb
2.qui(=quiet,rest) acquiesce 默认 *ac
inspiration 灵感 *in(=in) perspiration 汗水;(要出汗的)努力 *per(=through) 4.scend(=climb) ascendancy 优势;优越 *a
descendant 子孙;后裔 *de(=down) descent 下降;血统;袭击;突然来访 *de(=down) 5.scrib(=write) scribbler 三流作家 subscriber 捐献者;订阅者;订购者 *sub(=under)
