
后缀-ac,-iac = 有…的,与...有关的



英文词源:All words ending in -ac from this source include an i from the original Latin or Greek root, so making it in effect -iac.

Some are adjectives: cardiac (Greek kardia, heart), of the heart; iliac (Latin ilia, entrails), relating to the ilium, a bone in the pelvis, or to the nearby regions of the lower body. Others are nouns: aphrodisiac, a food, drink, or drug that stimulates sexual desire; zodiac, the belt of the heavens that includes the apparent paths of the sun, moon, and principal planets. Some can be both noun and adjective: amnesiac, hypochondriac, insomniac.

Nouns often have linked adjectives in -al (see -al), as in zodiacal and ammoniacal. In a few cases, adjectives in both forms co-exist, as with paradisiac and paradisiacal, or heliac and heliacal (though in both these cases the form in -acal is much more common).

Some words in -ac have related forms in -ic: demoniac and demonic, haemophiliac and haemophilic, maniac and manic. In each of these cases the form in -ic is an adjective, irrespective of the role of the form in -ac. An exception is amnesiac, in which amnesic can be both adjective and noun.


1.maniac [man = mania 疯狂 + -iac(或-i- 中缀 + -ac) 形容后缀 →]

2.cardiac [card 心,来源于希腊文kardia,同上]
adj. 心脏的

3.heliac [hel 太阳 ,同上]

4.coeliac [coel ,同上]

5.demoniac [demon 恶魔 ,同上]

6.insominac [in- 不 + som 睡眠 同上 →]
adj. 失眠的;令人失眠的

7.theomaniac [the神 -o-连接字母 ,同上]